°✧ welcome ✧°

hi! i'm bérénice, a french artist who plays with analog photography and makes zines.


23/07/2024 i added a page in the Book section for my new serie of poetry zines : Krush, and a little section in the About page with pictures of my last collective exhibition.

17/02/2024 i change the "Mobiles" page with less videos because it was a little bit too much. i did some stuff for acessibility but i still need to be better at writing image alternatives...

13/07/2023 i added a "blog" page, a new page about a new project (Toute la nuit dans les veines), and a "links" page!

28/06/2023 i updated the design a bit but i still have work to do! There will be new updates during the summer, see you soon!!